Setting a single shoe world kinds of sales records

It is said that how to make a perfect canvas and rubber bonding, the original inventor tried various methods are baffled, then angrily threw the stove in the canvas and rubber do not do, and did not think heat has allowed rubber "vulcanized" and canvas bonding, This "beautiful coincidence," to create canvas shoes became popular nearly a century miracle. The name of the first pair of canvas shoes called ConverseAllStar (Converse All Star brand), wear and wear, or even thrown into the washing machine are all right, after the release of the popular, and 2008 sales of more than 600 million pairs worldwide, setting a single shoe world kinds of sales records.

1960s, cheap canvas shoes and jeans and make it as rugged, young people become a symbol of treason and hippie spirit. Classic film "The Graduate", the people remember the band in addition to Simon and processing Garfunkel's "Sound of Silence" is Dustin Hoffman's feet a pair of brown canvas shoes. TheBeatles (Beatles) starred in the film "Yellow Submarine", is an inspiration for designers, graffiti began in canvas shoes. Became a canvas upper, with design elements, canvas shoes, but also immediately re-energized by the sports equipment into art.

Until the 1970s and 1980s Shangpan economic recovery after World War II peak nike free run 2, a variety of sporting events to flourish, began to cool hot canvas shoes. Because of this, 60 to 80 years of the 20th century, founded by sports brand, and ultimately all-powerful in the classic shoes canvas shoes nike free run, including the PONY (Victory: The U.S. brand), VANS (Vance: American brand), etc., each different Logo symbol very active in changing the expression canvas shoes on. The early 21st century retro hot nike free 3.0, let the revival of the brand or worth continued to rise.

Par freerunshoe le vendredi 15 juillet 2011


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