This strange shoes,you have no guts to wear?

Beauty and the Beast story in the fashion industry into the wild with the perfect mix of tenderness,when the ankle's soft style is wild and full of leopard overwhelming "erosion",it shows an attitude of unexpected beauty of primitive tribes,wild but not crazy,charm and not Johnson.Animal prints in the classic style of high heels on the "rampant" to preserve the feminine at the same time restrained,yet a breakthrough.

Into the decorations since the woman's shoes the ranks of that day,a decorative jewelry has become a mediocre.Whether it is vibrant colors,interesting shapes,or strange combinations of material,seems to be about a woman in the gorgeous transformation.Alexander McQueen (Alexander McQueen) 2011 spring and summer footwear romantic natural flavor,wheat decorated in the shoes of the ankle,heel instead of using irregular vine plants,toes stay beautiful butterflies,a large number of serpentine leaf decorated with tropical plants make a strong "Hentian high" full of graceful Oz atmosphere.

European designers in with "Hentian high" heels toss the woman a few years later,now more to design a variety of weird high heels.No matter how terrible these shoes,how ironic,there are still numerous fashion pioneer these strange fashion rush.This strange shoes,you have no guts to wear?

Mihai Albu switch to start from the architect designer shoes and bags,Mihai Albu of the same name brand,beautiful bold style,technology and aesthetic challenges of modern fashion nike free 3.0.Mihai Albu shoes Spring Summer 2011,with construction of a sense of steady and slender soles perfect combination of the band.In terms of design,Mihai Albu clever the original architectural concept into their own high-heeled nike free run 2 shoes work,and carefully calculate the most comfortable angle for each pair of shoes in his works,each pair of shoes are like a sculptures.

Par freerunshoe le lundi 25 juillet 2011


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